Classes & Advanced Courses
The Science of Mentalphysics - "The Art of Living" is a webstore available for students to purchase guides and classes geared towards Dr. Edwin J. Dingle "Ding Le Mei's" works on The Ancient Tibetan Breathwork. This page is a listing for upcoming classes and courses available.
Dr. Edward J. Dingle (Ding Le Mei): Introductory Classes: The Scientific & Spiritual Breaths - The Original Tibetan Breathwork: "The 8 Key Breaths and Meditation Class"
This is a wonderful 8 week Virtual Zoom course to begin to learn The 8 Key Breaths and Teachings from DLM’s Introductory Book “Breathing Your Way to Youth” - instructed by Rev. Rami Pam. It is absolutely amazing how quickly these exercises work! Correct Breathers are always strong. It is vital, first and foremost, to have a perfect body - correct breathing is the channel through which physical perfection comes to us..Why?...Because proper breathing is a method by which we exercise the Internal Organs. In both Eastern and Western mysticism, it had always been taught, usually in secret and by word - of - mouth, that there was to be found in the air a substance or principle which ALL LIFE is derived. Here, within THE ORIGINAL Tibetan TEACHINGS, we learn how we may, through our breathings, consciously store this substance and control it - giving balance to all parts of the nervous system, adding strength and vitality, youth and SUCCESS to those who practice. DLM’s Mentalphysics Scientific & Spiritual Breaths are a safe, experiential time proven method of balanced Self-Realization and Self Mastery. The Teachings come passed down for thousand of years from Tibetan monasteries in the Himalayas designed for the development of Mind, Body, and Spirit…and transformation to Higher Levels of Consciousness. The work begins by clearing out negative energy patterns…karmic… to gradually allow oneself to be a clearer channel for the Divine Creative Energy, God, Life Force Energy, Love to express. We learn to develop and use this Energy to heal ourselves …and others.
LOCATION: Virtual Classes via Zoom. (When you sign up, your email is used for the Invite to each Zoom Monday Class)
DAY AND TIME: Currently Class Filled and Running: now through June 23, 2020 . Time: 4:00 pm - 6:30 PM EST
New Class beginning June 23, 202 for 8 Classes. Time changed: 6:00 pm EST - 8:00 pm Fee: $250.00.
Payment plans offered.
DLM Scholarships available for sincere students.
COST: This Introductory Class is a Gift of The Teachers. Please donate for each class to a Food Donation Site, or other way during this Coronavirus Pandemic. Students have asked to donate to IlluminatingLives, LLC … if so, these donations will be 100% towards DLM Student Scholarships for his classes.
Special Introductory Class Package: ($75.00). Optional
1. DVD#1 (reg. #35.00)
2. Breathing Your Way to Youth booklet (reg. 32.00)
3. Breaths That Renew Your Life (reg. 15.00)
Ding Le Mei: THE INITIATE COURSE: The Scientific & Spiritual BREATHs OF LIFE - "8 KEY BREATHS" & LESSONS…
(Prerequisite for Inner Chamber & the Teacher's Course - "Preceptor Course")
The Initiate Course: INTRODUCTION - This Course is a Wonderful Refreshing Addition to Your Life! The "Breath of Life" (Mentalyphysics/Brahmavidya) is an ancient unique scientific Yoga system of right Thinking, Breathing and Meditation that literally Renews our Life! Thousands of years old, this system was developed to remove the ROOT causes of illness and promote the Keys to Health, Success, and Transformation. In this method of Yoga and Philosophy it is maintained that spiritual functions are related to physiological functions of the ductless (Endocrine) glands. Dr. Edwin J. Dingle teaches rare meditation techniques not taught in the current normal classes outside of Mentalphysics. The role of meditation is emphasized in realizing the spiritual nature of a person and uses transformational exercises involving Breathing to support and nurture related physiological abilities. Blending these practices throughout the ORIGINAL 26 Initiate Course Lessons AND 8 Key Breath Exercises, the Teachings of Ding Le Mei (DLM) create powerful transformational awareness shifts of reality to assist each person into tapping into their God given Potential. As each person's connection to their Divine Creator is strengthened, he/she is guided and empowered firmly and gently where the subconscious mind is assigned the central role in bringing about physiological radiant health and spiritual transformation. The ORIGINAL Eight Key Breaths for Scientific and Spiritual Breathing, and the simple yet unique meditations and affirmations are therefore Key to this system. The Virtual Zoom classes offer an amazing way to share and learn with other colleagues!
THE ORIGINAL COURSE: Eligibility, Course Description, Duration and Fees: (26 Lessons - includes The Initiate Group Course and DVD Combo Set #2 & #3)…with Color Coded Study Guides dev. by Rev. Rami Pam
In the ORIGINAL TEACHINGS, and a step-by-step manner, Ding Le Mei deepens our Life Journey and shares 21 years of knowledge given to him in the Temples of Asia. "It is not just information, we are building a new consciousness", he says. It is a way of life...of deeper awareness, and methods for purifying the mind (in Thought) and body (in Radiant Health, used for thousands for years. The "8 K E Y BREATHS," and unique Lessons, Meditations, Ancient Visualizations, and Affirmations, have been the means of revolutionizing the lives of hundreds-of-thousands, world wide. (See descriptions above for the "8 Key Breaths" that are taught in his class.)
2 Ways to Enjoy this Course:
When you sign up for this course - you will need to provide a working email. At the beginning of each month, 2 Lessons will be attached to an email. Each of Ding Le Mei 's Initiate Course Lessons were created by him to be carefully practiced and studied for 2 weeks before moving on to the next lesson. We have recently created the long awaited DVDs to easily facilitate your learning the powerful Breaths...and enjoy the Affirmations, Meditations and Visualizations and special color coded Study Guides dev. by Rev. Rami Pam that are offered in this beautiful course.
***If you would like more individual instruction time with a mentor, please call Pam @ 760-408-7465 - and we can schedule you with an Instructor. ***We are also offering a wonderful enriching opportunity to share and collaborate with fellow students via Zoom…see below.
2. Home Study/GROUP CLASS Via Zoom:
Taught In Person by Rev. Rami Pam: This is a special opportunity to share in a group setting with other like minded people the ancient Scientific & Spiritual Breaths - The Original Initiate Group Course of the Harmonic Breath and the 8 Key Breaths of Dr. Edwin J. Dingle. Class will be held weekly for a total 26 + weeks. This is a true commitment to learn these amazing Breaths and experience the Life Changing results... We have recently created the long awaited DVD set to easily facilitate your learning the powerful Breaths... enjoy the Affirmations and Visualizations along with the special color coded Study Guides dev. by Rev. Rami Pam within this beautiful uplifting course. All included in the cost of the Initiate Group Course.
Day and Time: To Be Announced
Includes: Week by Week Lesson Overview and Group Practice of the Harmonic and 8 Key Breaths. Instruction and Group Discussion of Individual Experiences and Progress. Learn to understand DLM's fascinating approach to your Individual Chemistry and Vitality.
Affirmation, Visualization and Meditation Instruction. (Class attendance is monitored for those interested in advancing to the Teacher's Courses.)
ELIGIBILITY: Teenagers through Adults.
The Initiate Course Description: The Breath of Life of Mentalphysics, or Brahmavidya, is based on techniques that are thousands of years old. As taught to Ding Le Mei while living within a Tibetan monastery in the early 1900's. The Initiate Course is comprised of 3 parts:
1. The Harmonic Breath and The 8 Key Breaths & Affirmations: When we furnish and control the Breath, we bring into ourselves the Pure Force of Prana, the Breath of Life itself. These techniques help this vital fluid to penetrate our muscles, nerves, and bones, bringing us into inner balance, and awakening our understanding of the outer nature of reality. This set of 8 Key Yogic Breaths alongside The Harmonic Breaths and their Affirmations/Visualizations, not only helps us to master life, but they energize and exercise key organs and the adrenal glands, The 8 Key Breaths are exercises to be practiced daily, preferably in the morning.
2. The 26 Initiate Course Lessons: Offers us instructions on the Universal Laws of Vibrant Health, Success, and Transformation through our Spiritual Life. These Lessons give us the Keys to access and use the Intelligent Energy of the Universe that surrounds us. Read and apply 1 Lesson every 2 weeks. Each Lesson with accompanying Study Guide is suggested to be read at least several times a week.
3. Spiritual Meditations, Visualizations and Chants: The Path of Wisdom is through which man may effectively break out of the world of appearances into the world of way of Meditation. The unique chants, simple meditations, visualizations and techniques, as taught by Ding Le Mei, are practiced everyday in the early morning, or each night before retiring. Meditation is a crucial element to the teachings.
This 6 month course includes DLM's original course:
1. A color coded study guide for each Lesson developed by Rev. Rami Pam,
2. an amazing DVD complete with all the 8 Key Breaths, Affirmations,
3. and The Original DLM voice guiding us in The Healing Breath
4. and a 2 Hour weekly Zoom group class for $650.00. Payment Plan is available.
Each Student receives a Student Number and Certificate upon Class Completion.
ADVANCED COURSE: THE INNER CHAMBER: 126 Lessons - one lesson is studied per week... As above. This class is offered as a Home Study and as a Home Study & Group Zoom Study. This course with accompanying color coded Study Guides dev. by Rev. Rami Pam is only available after the successful completion of the Initiate Course. Further information regarding The Higher Knowledge imparted in this course will be offered near the completion of The Initiate Course per Dr. Edward J. Dingle’s, DLM’s instructions.
ADVANCED COURSE: THE PRECEPTOR COURSE: This is the Teachers' Training Course. There are 48 extraordinary Lessons in this Gift of The Heart from DLM to his students. This special mentorship course with accompanying color coded Study Guides dev. by Rev. Rami Pam is only available upon completion of both the Initiate and The Inner Chamber Course. The Student must have a sponser for admission per Dr. Edward J. Dingle’s, DLM’s instructions.
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